5 Steps to Recover from a Bumble Shadowban in 2024

Have you hit a snag in Bumble with a shadowban?  

Getting shadowbanned can be incredibly frustrating, as it quietly limits your profile's visibility without any clear warning. This means fewer matches and reduced interaction, which can make your search for romance feel like you're talking to a wall.

But don't worry – a shadowban is not the end of your dating adventures.

In this detailed guide, we'll show you how to navigate past bans, avoid future pitfalls, and enhance your profile for increased visibility and more engaging matches.

Let’s get your dating journey back on track!

What Is Bumble Shadowban?

A shadowban on Bumble means limiting or restricting a user's account in a way that is not obvious to the user. 

If your account is shadowbanned, your activity might appear normal to you but your profile's visibility to others is severely decreased.

A shadowban on Bumble can lead to the following:

  • The user’s profile doesn’t appear to other users as frequently in the swiping deck, leading to fewer matches.
  • Messages sent by the user may be less prominently displayed, if at all, to potential matches.

The term "shadowban" can sometimes be controversial because it is not often communicated to the user, leading to confusion and frustration among those who suspect they might be affected. 

Bumble, like many companies, does not publicly confirm or detail the specifics of such practices – likely, to prevent users from bypassing moderation efforts.

5 Signs You Might Have Been Shadowbanned on Bumble

Being shadowbanned can be frustrating because it's often not immediately obvious. 

Here are some signs that might indicate you've been shadowbanned on Bumble:

  1. Fewer Matches: A significant and sudden decrease in the number of matches you get can be a sign you’ve been shadowbanned. If you used to get regular matches and then suddenly the frequency drops with no matches over an extended period, you might be shadowbanned.
  2. Reduced Message Responses: If you notice that you’ve been sending messages are haven’t been getting any responses, despite previously having active conversations, it might suggest that your visibility to others has been limited.
  3. Stagnant Feed: Seeing the same profiles repeatedly or noticing a significant slowdown in new profiles appearing in your swipe feed could indicate a restriction in how your profile is being circulated.
  4. No Change After Profile Improvements: If you've updated your profile with better photos and a more engaging bio but see no improvement in matches or interactions, it could be a sign of a shadowban.
  5. Previous Warnings or Bans: If you've recently been warned or temporarily banned for not adhering to Bumble’s community guidelines, there might be a temporary decrease in your profile's visibility as a subtle penalization.

5 Steps To Recover From a Bumble Shadowban

Now that you understand Bumble’s Shadowban, let’s explore some strategies to get a fresh start on the app:

#1. Delete Your Existing Bumble Account

First things first, you'll need to delete your current Bumble profile. This step is crucial as it removes your existing data from Bumble’s system, clearing the way for a fresh start. 

Make sure to check that all data is fully deleted before proceeding to the next step.

#2. Create a New Account With New Information

When setting up a new Bumble account, use completely new credentials. This includes a new phone number, email address, and depending on your device, a new Apple or Google account. 

Changing your IP address by restarting your WiFi router can also help, along with using a new credit card if you had a paid account before. These changes help prevent Bumble from associating your new profile with the old one.

#3. Build a New Profile

Craft a new profile with updated pictures. If you want to reuse old photos, consider removing their EXIF data, which contains tracking information.

New photos help in avoiding detection by Bumble’s face recognition and photo tracking technology, giving your profile a clean slate.

#4. Change Linked Social Media Accounts

Use different accounts for any social media platforms linked to your Bumble profile, like Facebook, Instagram, and Spotify. 

Bumble can track connections through these services, so new accounts ensure there's no link back to your previously shadowbanned profile.

#5. Use a Different Payment Method

If you are a premium Bumble user, it's important to use a different credit or debit card for any future purchases on Bumble. 

This step is crucial because Bumble tracks previous payment methods which can link back to your old, possibly shadowbanned account.

6 Reasons Why You Might Be Shadowbanned On Bumble

Being shadowbanned on Bumble means your profile's visibility to other users is reduced, but it's not always clear why this happens. 

Here are some common reasons why you might find yourself shadowbanned on Bumble:

  1. Violation of Community Guidelines: If you've been reported by other users for harassment, having a fake profile, or posting inappropriate content, you might be shadowbanned as a consequence.
  2. Frequent Resets of Your Account: If you frequently delete and recreate your account to try and game the system for more matches, Bumble might recognize this pattern and shadowban you to prevent such manipulations.
  3. Spam-like Behavior: Sending copy-pasted messages to many users or engaging in other spam-like activities can trigger a shadowban. 
  4. Inactive Profile: Not using your account for long periods might result in decreased visibility. Bumble tends to favor active users in its algorithm, so inactivity could be misconstrued as being shadowbanned.
  5. Technical Issues: Sometimes what feels like a shadowban might be a glitch in the app. Ensuring your app is updated and checking your settings can help confirm whether it's a shadowban or just a technical hiccup.
  6. Mismatched Geolocation Data: Frequently changing your location or using tools to alter your geolocation can raise suspicions of inauthentic behavior. 

How To Prevent Future Shadowbans

To prevent future shadowbans on Bumble and maintain an active, engaging presence on the app, consider these strategic tips:

  • Adhere to Community Guidelines: The most effective way to avoid a shadowban is to strictly follow Bumble’s community guidelines. Avoid behavior that could be considered harassment and ensure your profile doesn’t contain any inappropriate content.
  • Maintain an Active Profile: Regularly update your profile with new photos and keep your bio fresh. Bumble favors active users and is more likely to boost the visibility of engaged profiles.
  • Avoid Account Resets: Frequent deletions and re-creations of your account can raise red flags for Bumble. 
  • Engage Positively and Authentically: Send personalized messages rather than generic, copy-pasted lines. Genuine engagement is favored by Bumble’s algorithm and can increase your chances of successful interactions without risking a shadowban.
  • Check Your Settings: Make sure your settings aren’t limiting your match potential. Incorrect settings for age, distance, and other preferences can mimic the effects of a shadowban by inadvertently narrowing your pool of potential matches.

Frequently Asked Questions About Bumble’s Shadowban

Do you still have some questions about Bumble’s shadowban? Check out our answers below: 

#1. How Long Does The Bumble Shadowban Last?

The duration of a shadowban on Bumble is not officially defined, as Bumble hasn’t officially confirmed that it uses them. However, the effects can persist until you make significant changes to your profile or rectify the behaviors that may have led to the shadowban.

#2. How To Get Past the Bumble Ban?

To get past a ban on Bumble, create a new account with fresh details, and ensure your profile aligns with Bumble's community guidelines. 

If the ban was in error, consider contacting Bumble's customer support for assistance.

#3. Can I Keep My Old Photos After Bumble Shadowbans?

After a Bumble shadowban, it's advisable to use new photos when creating a new profile, as Bumble may use photo recognition technology to identify previously used images. 


That wraps up our guide on handling and avoiding Bumble’s Shadowbans. With these tips, you're set to refresh your profile, stay within the rules, and make better matches. 

Swipe confidently, enjoy your interactions, and make the most of your Bumble experience!

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