No Matches on Hinge? Here's How to Fix It

Feeling tired from swiping on Hinge without getting any results? You're not alone.

While it can be disheartening to see no matches, you shouldn’t worry - we've got you covered.

In this article, we'll explore the most common reasons why you might not be getting matches and offer expert tips to turn your luck around.

Let’s dive in!

How Does Hinge Work?

Unlike other dating apps, Hinge is designed to foster meaningful connections. It encourages users to engage more deeply by liking and commenting on specific parts of profiles, such as photos or prompt responses. 

This approach not only provides a fuller picture of a person but also allows the algorithm to suggest potential matches based on shared interests and values. 

Additionally, Hinge considers the preferences set in your Discover Settings, which include factors like age range, distance, and the type of relationship you are seeking.

Why Don’t I Get Matches On Hinge?

If you're not receiving matches on Hinge, don't worry - this is a common issue that can often be resolved by making a few adjustments to your profile.

Here are some potential reasons:

  1. Profile Presentation: Perhaps your photos aren't showcasing your best self, or your prompt answers lack detail. Consider updating your photos to include clear, engaging images, and ensure your responses to prompts vividly reflect your personality.
  2. Activity Levels: Hinge rewards users who are active and engage with others’ profiles. If you're not frequently liking or commenting, you might be less visible in others' feeds.
  3. Narrow Preferences: If your settings for age, distance, or other preferences are too restrictive, you may be limiting your pool of potential matches.
  4. Profile Completeness: Ensure your profile is fully completed. Profiles that lack information or have several unanswered prompts may seem less appealing to other users.
  5. Quality of Interactions: Hinge values the quality of interactions over the quantity. Thoughtful comments that resonate with something specific in a person’s profile may be more effective than simple likes.
  6. Algorithm: If you're new to Hinge, the app might still be learning about your preferences and behaviors to better tailor match suggestions.
  7. Technical Issues: Occasionally, a lack of matches could be due to a glitch or bug in the app. Ensure your app is updated to the latest version, or reinstall it if problems persist.

10 Tips to Get More Matches On Hinge

If you're looking to enhance your success on Hinge, there are several strategic adjustments you can make to your profile.

Here are ten expert tips that will help you stand out:

#1. Optimize Your Profile Photo

Ensure your first photo is a clear headshot that captures your smile. Good lighting and high-quality images are crucial. 

This photo is your first impression and can significantly influence whether someone decides to explore more about you. Avoid sunglasses and hats, as they can obscure your face.

#2. Diversify Your Photo Gallery

Include a diverse selection of photos that showcase different facets of your life, such as hobbies, adventures, or formal events. These images help tell your story and provide potential matches with a glimpse into what spending time with you might be like. 

Aim to feature a variety of activities and settings to cater to varied interests.

#3. Update Your Prompts

Choose prompts that invite conversation and answer them in ways that reflect your personality and humor. Your responses should be engaging and reveal depth, making it easier for others to find common ground or become intrigued enough to initiate a conversation. 

Avoid one-word answers – the more effort you put into your responses, the more likely you are to receive thoughtful replies.

#4. Be Active 

Regularly engage with the app. The algorithm favors active users, so by logging in often and interacting with others, you increase your chances of appearing in other users' feeds, enhancing your visibility and potential matches.

#5. Respond Thoughtfully

When you like a profile, add a comment related to their prompt or photo. Personalized interactions are more likely to get responses. 

This approach not only shows that you've paid attention to their profile but also indicates your interest in getting to know them beyond just their looks.

#6. Adjust Your Preferences

Expand your pool of potential matches by adjusting criteria such as age and distance. 

Being too specific can limit your chances – consider widening your parameters to encompass a broader range. This adjustment could introduce you to unexpectedly compatible individuals.


#7. Update Your Profile Often

Keep your profile fresh by regularly updating photos and answers to prompts, especially to reflect new hobbies or interests. 

An updated profile shows you're actively engaged in the dating process and ensures your profile aligns with your current life, helping attract matches who connect with the real you.

#8. Link Your Social Media Accounts

Connecting your social media accounts to your Hinge profile adds layers of authenticity and depth to your online persona. 

This integration allows potential matches to see more of your daily life and interests, providing a fuller picture of you.

#9. Complete All Profile Sections

Filling out every part of your profile is important for making a strong impression. Detailed profiles are more likely to attract interest as they offer more conversation starters. 

Each section is an opportunity to showcase different facets of your personality and life, so take the time to fill them thoroughly.

#10. Swipe Selectively

Instead of mass swiping, adopt a more thoughtful approach when engaging with profiles. Mass swiping can reduce the effectiveness of the app’s algorithm in finding suitable matches and may even lead to temporary restrictions on your account. 

By being selective, you increase the likelihood of matching with individuals genuinely interested in you, fostering better quality connections.

4 Things to Avoid Doing on Hinge

On Hinge, where the goal is to create meaningful connections, it’s important to present yourself in the best possible light. 

Here are some key behaviors to avoid to ensure your profile will make a good impression:

  • Inappropriate Behavior: Avoid blindly swiping right just to gain matches or making offensive comments on others' profiles. If an action feels questionable, it's best to steer clear.
  • Upload Photos That Aren’t You: Your profile should feature only photos of you. It should focus on you and your life, not on random objects or groups of friends.
  • Single-Word Answers: Avoid responding to prompts with single-word answers. For example, if the prompt asks, "What's your go-to karaoke song?", instead of just saying "Imagine," you might respond: "I always choose 'Imagine' by John Lennon because its hopeful message never fails to lift spirits, and it seems to bring the crowd together. What's your karaoke anthem?"
  • Overly Specific Preferences: Don’t list overly specific or demanding criteria for potential matches in your bio or responses. Instead, focus on sharing your interests and what you're looking for.


In conclusion, addressing the lack of matches on Hinge involves a blend of understanding the algorithm, optimizing your profile, and steering clear of common pitfalls.

Remember, building meaningful connections requires both time and effort. With persistence and a positive approach, you are well on your way to enhancing your chances of meeting someone special.

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