15+ Tinder Hacks to Get You Hundreds of Matches in 2024

Tinder is hard to succeed in. 

There is just too much competition for anyone to shine right? 

Well not really! With some easy hacks, anyone can reap Tinder’s fruits.

So how do you beat the system?

Today we will let you in on the most effective Tinder hacks to get you unlimited matches, and much more! 

Read on!

15 Tinder Hacks to Get More Matches

So, let’s dive straight into what you can do to seriously up your Tinder game: 

#1. Pick a Good Photo

Your profile picture is super important. It's the first thing people notice, so pick a good one. 

Here are some tips to make the most of your profile picture: 

  1. Use a clear, high-quality photo. Skip blurry or over-edited pics.
  2. Choose a photo that shows who you are and what you enjoy doing. If you love hiking, use a picture of you on a trail.
  3. Make sure you're the main focus. Don't use group shots where people can't tell which one is you.
  4. Add pictures of you smiling – it makes you look friendly and approachable.
  5. Try natural, outdoor lighting for the best look.
  6. Use recent photos that show what you look like now, not what you looked like a decade ago.

And don’t forget to mix it up with these tips, too:

  1. Add a few more pictures that show different sides of you.
  2. Include a full-body shot so people can see your overall look and style, not just your face.
  3. Add action shots of you doing your hobbies.
  4. If you have a pet, a photo with them can be a hit.
  5. Try to have some photos taken by friends, not just selfies.
  6. Don't use photos with your ex or anyone who might look like an ex.

#2. Write a Catchy Bio

Your pictures might catch someone's eye, but your bio is where you can really show who you are. Here are some tips to make your bio stand out:

  1. Keep it short and sweet. Aim for 2-3 sentences that pack a punch.
  2. Start with a catchy opener. A funny line or interesting fact about yourself can work wonders.
  3. Show your personality. Are you sarcastic? Optimistic? Let it shine through in your writing.
  4. Mention 2-3 of your favorite hobbies or interests. This gives others a chance to connect with you.
  5. Add a conversation starter. Ask a question or share a fun fact that others can respond to.
  6. Use emojis sparingly. They can add flavor but don't overdo it.
  7. Avoid clichés like "looking for my soulmate" or "work hard, play hard."
  8. Be specific about what you like. Instead of "I love music," try "I'm a sucker for 80s rock ballads."
  9. Include a call to action. Encourage people to message you about something specific.
  10. Proofread! Typos and grammar mistakes can be a turn-off.
  11. Update your bio regularly. Keep it fresh and relevant to your current interests.
  12. Be positive. Focus on what you're looking for, not what you don't want.

#3. Optimize Your Match Filters

Optimizing preferences can help you avoid many profiles you would have swiped left.

Specifically, you can avoid people who are hundreds of miles away or way older than you so you can save your precious swipes on profiles that matter.

And as a bonus here is a neat little trick you can try:

Once you get a bunch of matches with your preferred settings, try lowering your distance settings as low as possible. 

Tinder will automatically attempt to give you matches who have already liked you. So, if you see a profile more than a mile away, they might have swiped right on you.

#4. If You Are Close to 6 Feet Tall You Are 6 Feet Tall

It is common knowledge by now that women prefer men above 6 feet tall but did you know that less than 15% of men are above that height?

Use this scarcity to your advantage! 

No one is going to show up to your date with a measuring tape. So if you are 5’10 or 5’11, you can comfortably add a few inches to your height and nobody will notice.

Doing this will let you get inside the 6-foot filter that most women set on dating apps.

If you are above 6 feet tall then mention it as the first thing you can. If you are below 5’10, try not to mention it in your profile.

#5. Text First

Don't wait for your match to make the first move. Taking the initiative to text first can make you more memorable. You will also not miss out on shy people who might never message you if you don’t message them first! 

Here's why texting first is a smart strategy:

  1. It shows your confidence: Reaching out first shows your interest and your confidence.
  2. You control the narrative: By starting the conversation, you can steer it in a direction that highlights your personality or things you are interested in about their personality.
  3. It saves time: Why wait around wondering if they'll message? Take charge of your dating life by making the first move.
  4. More dates: Some great connections might never happen if both parties are waiting for the other to text first.

Remember, your opening message doesn't need to be elaborate. A simple, friendly greeting or a comment about something in their profile can be enough to get the ball rolling.

#6. Swipe Selectively

It's tempting to swipe right on everyone and see what sticks. But hold up! This quick-fire approach can backfire big time for two big reasons.

Firstly, Tinder's algorithm isn't a fan of this behavior. It might think you're not serious or, worse, a bot. This could make your profile less visible to others.

Second, you might end up with a bunch of matches you're not really into. That's just wasting everyone's time, including yours.

So instead of swiping right on everyone, try to take a second to actually look at each profile. Read their bio, and check out their profile pics. 

A good strategy to try is to imagine every profile you see as someone who already likes your profile. Would you still try to chat with them or are you swiping right just to boost your self-esteem?

Another tip is to avoid swiping right on profiles with no bio or thought put into them. These people most likely get on Tinder for fun and not to match with people. 

Remember, Tinder is a tool to meet people, not a game to see how many matches you can rack up. Use it wisely, and you'll have a much better experience!

#7. Link Your Social Media

Linking your other social media accounts to your Tinder profile can give people a better peek into your life. It's like giving them a backstage pass to your interests and hobbies. 

But before you hit that link button, think it through.

If you've got an Instagram full of cool photos showing off your adventures or your killer cooking skills, go for it! It can help others get to know you better. 

The same goes for Spotify - your playlist might catch someone's eye who loves the same tunes.

But here's the catch: make sure what you're sharing paints you in a good light. Take a good look at your accounts first. Are there any posts you wouldn't want a date to see? It might be time for a little clean-up.

#8. Use Paid Subscriptions

Tinder is pretty awesome by itself. But what if you could give yourself a little edge? 

If you want to have exclusive features, Tinder offers three paid tiers of premium subscriptions: Plus, Gold, and Platinum. Each tier builds on the previous one, giving you more features.

Feature Explanation Tinder Plus Tinder Gold Tinder Platinum
Unlimited Likes Swipe right as much as you want
Rewind Undo your last swipe if you change your mind
Passport Change your location to anywhere in the world
Boost Get more profile views for 30 minutes
Super Likes Show extra interest in someone with 5 Super Likes per week
See Who Likes You View people who've already liked your profile
Top Picks Get a daily selection of matches Tinder thinks you'll like
Priority Likes Your profile is seen more quickly by those you've liked
Message Before Match Send a message along with your Super Like
See the Likes You've Sent View your outgoing likes for the last 7 days

So, should you pay your hard-earned cash for Tinder?

Whether these paid features are worth it depends on how you use Tinder. Frequent users might find unlimited likes and Rewind super helpful for maximizing their chances to match. 

If you're a traveler, the Passport feature can be a game-changer too, as it lets you connect with people in your next destination before you even arrive. 

For those who don’t like the suspense, the ability to see who's already liked you could be a real time-saver.

But here's the thing: while these paid features can help your Tinder game, they're not a magic wand. At the end of the day, your success on Tinder comes down to you. 

#9. Use Paid Features

Besides Tinder’s paid subscriptions, you can buy Boosts and Super Likes separately.

You already know that these paid features give you an advantage. But here are some extra tips to use them more effectively:

  • Don't go overboard. Use Super Likes for profiles you're excited about.
  • Time your Boosts right. Use them when lots of people in your area are likely to be swiping, like Sunday evenings.
  • Make sure your profile is top-notch before using these. You want to make the most of your spotlight moment!

#10. Use Other Dating Apps on the Side

When it comes to online dating, why put all your eggs in one basket? Using other dating apps alongside Tinder can open up your dating pool drastically. Here's why it's smart to spread your portfolio:

  1. More fish in the sea: Different apps attract different crowds. By using a few, you're casting a wider net.
  2. Find your best fit: Each app has its own vibe. You might click better with the crowd on Bumble or Hinge than on Tinder.
  3. Boost your dating skills: Chatting on various apps helps you get more comfortable with different types of conversations.
  4. Avoid burnout: If you're not getting many matches on one app, others might keep your spirits up.
  5. Compare and contrast: Using multiple apps lets you see what works best for you. Maybe your Hinge profile is fire, but your Tinder one needs work.

Some popular alternatives you can try:

  • Bumble: Where women make the first move.
  • Hinge: Designed to be deleted (once you find your match!).
  • OkCupid: Great for more detailed profiles.

[Pro tip:] 

Don't spread yourself too thin. Pick 2-3 apps at most, so you can give each one proper attention.


#11. Reset Your Account

If you haven’t gotten any matches in a long time, this could mean a low ELO score (more on that later) or a shadowban, which means your account is stuck in limbo. One way to overcome this problem is by simply deleting and recreating your account.

This means a fresh restart on your dating pool and your ELO score. Having a clean slate can also help you avoid mistakes in your profile that you made before you read our blog.

But be careful! Resetting your account too often can also lead to a shadowban, as Tinder might think you are a bot. 

#12. Use Creative Profile Ideas

If regular profile pictures and bios don’t show results, then maybe it is time to spice things up with truly creative stuff.

Forget about the “use a clear picture as your first picture” tip. Go for something really interesting that can get a laugh out of people.

Maybe a picture where you roleplay as Jesus:

Or maybe something endearing:

Perhaps a funny meme about you:

If you can catch someone off through their boring swiping streak with something unique, you are bound to start on the right foot. It’s not the traditional method of dating but it is a method.

#13. Update Your Profile Regularly

Your Tinder profile needs to reflect who you are, so you have to update it frequently. 

If something big changes in your life, update your bio to reflect that.

Your photos are equally important. They should be recent, clear, and show different aspects of your life. Mix it up with close-ups, full-body shots, and pics of you doing things you love. Go easy on the filters - you want matches to recognize you in real life.

#14. Take Breaks and Use the App on Active Hours

Tinder can be addictive, and it's easy to fall into the habit of endless swiping. However, spending too much time on the app can lead to burnout, making the whole experience feel more like a chore than a fun way to meet people.

If you find yourself mindlessly swiping without really looking at profiles, or feeling frustrated and tired of the app, it's time to take a step back.

At the end of the day, Tinder is supposed to enhance your social life, not replace it. Make sure you're still engaging in other activities and meeting people in real life aside from Tinder.

That being said, try to use Tinder regularly for short periods. Using Tinder during busy hours will also show your profile as “Recently Active” for others, which will increase your matching rate.

#15. Look for Feedback from Friends

Having other perspectives on your profile can help you figure out if there are any mistakes you made or things you forgot.

So get a few friends to rate your profile. Ask them how your pictures look and maybe get their help on taking new pictures.

Brainstorming a funny bio is also better with friends. Two heads are better than one as they say.

#16. Be Yourself

As cheesy as it may sound, be yourself on Tinder, instead of someone you're not. If you have to mold yourself into some persona, then there is no spark to begin with. 

Ask questions and then ask follow-up questions about what they say. Share stuff about yourself too. Creating a connection is a two-way street. Keep things light and fun at first, and save the heavy stuff for later, if the chance arises.

Remember, the goal is to have a real conversation, not just trade pickup lines. Show them the real you, and you'll have a much better chance of having a match with mutual attraction.

How to Message Your Match on Tinder

So you've got a match - awesome! Now it's time to start chatting. Here's how to kick things off right:

#1. Breaking the Ice

Forget about boring "hey" messages. Nobody cares about the millionth boring opener they see. 

To really have a good first impact, you need a great opener. Here’s what you can do:

  • Check out their profile for clues. If they love hiking, ask about their favorite trail. 
  • Share a funny story related to something in their bio. It shows you paid attention. 
  • Ask a fun question. Something like "If you could have dinner with anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?"
  • Comment on one of their photos, but be cool about it. "That beach looks amazing! Where was that taken?" works better than "You look hot in that bikini." 
  • Use a gif or a meme that fits their interests. It can be a fun way to start things off.

As a general rule, complimenting things people worked for instead of how they naturally look is always more impactful. “You look good” doesn’t work as well as “You have a great fashion sense” or “I love how you did your hair”. 

Everyone loves their efforts being noticed, so focus on those.

#2. Moving from Tinder to Other Apps and Dates

Chatting on Tinder is great, but eventually, you will need to take things to the next level.

After you've been chatting for a bit and things are going well, you might want to switch to texting or another app. Here's how to make the move:

  • Be casual about it. You could say something like, "Hey, I'm not on Tinder much. Want to switch to WhatsApp?" This makes it seem natural, not pushy.
  • Give a reason. Maybe you're going on a trip and won't have good internet. Or maybe you just prefer texting. Whatever it is, a little explanation can help.
  • Offer options. Some people prefer WhatsApp, others like regular texting. Give them a choice so they feel comfortable.
  • Don't rush it. If they're not ready to share their number, that's okay. Keep chatting on Tinder until they feel more comfortable.

After you have gotten to know each other better, it is time to set up a date.

  • Start with a casual suggestion. "There's a great coffee shop downtown. Want to grab a drink sometime?" keeps things low-pressure.
  • Be specific, but flexible. Suggest a day and time, but be open to other options. "How about Saturday afternoon? Or if that doesn't work, I'm free next week too."
  • Choose a public place. A café, park, or popular restaurant are good first date spots. They're safe and casual.
  • Have a plan B. Suggest an activity and a backup. "We could check out the new art exhibit, or if that's not your thing, there's a cool food truck park nearby."

How the Tinder Algorithm Works

Knowing how Tinder decides which profiles to show you will help you perfect your Tinder strategy. Once you get how it works, you can tweak your approach and get more matches.

Tinder uses a smart system to choose which profiles you see. It looks at different things to show you people you might like. One big part of this system is something called the ELO score.

The ELO Score

The ELO score is a big deal on Tinder. So what does it mean? It decides how often other people see your profile. 

A few things affect this score:

  • How good your profile looks: This means having great photos, an interesting bio that shows who you are, and other info that helps people get to know you.
  • How often you use Tinder: The app likes it when you use it regularly, swipe right sometimes (not always), and chat with your matches. This shows you're really using the app, not just playing around.
  • Who likes you: If lots of popular Tinder users swipe right on you, it tells the app you're someone worth showing to others.

If you work on making your profile better and use Tinder often, you can boost your ELO score. This means more people will see your profile, giving you a better shot at getting matches.

How Your Activity Influences Matches

Your ELO score isn't the only thing that matters. How often you use Tinder also plays a big role in how many matches you get. Here's why:

  • Being active shows you're serious: When you use Tinder often, swipe right reasonably, and chat with your matches, the app sees you're really trying to meet people. This means it'll show your profile to other active users more often.
  • Talking to matches is important: When you chat with your matches, it shows you're not just swiping for fun. You're actually interested in getting to know people. Good conversations can help you connect with others who like the same things you do.
  • More visibility means more matches: The more you use Tinder in a good way, the more the app will show your profile to others. This gives you a better chance of getting lots of matches and meeting someone you click with.

So, if you want more matches, make sure to use Tinder regularly and chat with the people you match with. It's that simple!

4 Common Tinder Mistakes to Avoid

We already explained what you should be doing on Tinder; now, let’s get into what you shouldn’t do. 

Here are some important mistakes to avoid on Tinder:

  • Mindless Swiping. Don't just swipe right on every profile you see. This comes across as desperate (which will reduce your ELO score) and lowers your chances of quality matches. Be selective and only swipe on people you're actually interested in getting to know better.
  • Repetitive Conversational Patterns. Asking the same mundane getting-to-know-you questions on repeat gets stale fast. Mix it up! Alternate between deeper/creative questions and lighthearted banter to keep things exciting.
  • Inappropriate Comments. Oversexualized or rude comments are a major turn-off. Build some connection first before attempting to flirt or get more provocative with your messages.
  • Ghosting. If you've lost interest, have the courtesy to communicate that instead of just disappearing. Ghosting someone you've been talking to is inconsiderate and burns bridges unnecessarily.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do you still have some questions about Tinder hacks and matches?

Check out our answers below:

#1. Is Tinder Premium worth paying for?

It depends on how you use Tinder. If you're a frequent user or travel often, premium features like unlimited likes and the Passport feature could be helpful. 

However, a great bio and engaging photos are more important than any paid feature.

#2. Should I go for as many matches as possible? 

Quality trumps quantity. Focus on matching with people you're genuinely interested in rather than swiping right on everyone. This leads to more meaningful connections and better conversations.

#3. How often should I update my Tinder profile? 

It's a good idea to refresh your profile every few months. Update your bio if there are changes in your life, and switch out photos to keep things current. Regular updates can help maintain interest and accurately represent who you are.

#4. How long should I chat on Tinder before asking for a date?

There's no set rule, but generally, aim to establish a good connection first. This might take a few days of chatting. When you feel a connection and the conversation is flowing naturally, it's usually a good time to suggest meeting up.


So in conclusion, your Tinder success boils down to one crucial element: your profile. While premium features can give you a boost, they're no substitute for a well-crafted bio, a picture with a warm smile, and the chatting ability to back all of it up.

Tinder takes patience too. You are not going to find dozens of matches the next time you log on. Take your time with the app and take your time with the users. Find the match you are looking for and it will naturally work out for you.

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